Solicitud de información y quejas sobre accesibilidad
The general data of the procedure for requesting information and complaints about accessibility of the websites and applications for mobile devices of the University of Murcia, as well as the technical requirements for use of the Registration application, are described below.
After pressing the 'Access' button and having selected an identification method, you will be redirected to the Basic Instance Presentation form. In order to speed up the process, you must pay special attention to the following fields of the form, in step 2 'Request data':
- In 'Administrative Unit of destination' you must select 'Specify another...'. Next, you must enter the value 'ATICA/MNCS' in the field 'Specify another Administrative unit'.
- The content of the 'Expose' field must begin with the name of the process 'Solicitud de información y quejas sobre Accesibilidad de los sitios web y aplicaciones móviles de la Universidad de Murcia', followed by a line break. You must then enter the desired content.
- If you wish to make a claim about a Request for information and complaints about accessibility made previously that has been rejected, or on whose resolution you do not agree, you must select as 'Destination Administrative Unit' to 'Secretaría General'.
Procedure information