The e-Office Portal of the University of Murcia
is the website that our institution makes available for citizens to access information and electronic services, in compliance with Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector.
It has been approved by the Governing Council of the University of Murcia, on May 24, 2013, within the framework of the
by which electronic means are implemented for citizens to access the public services of the University of Murcia, published in the Official State Gazette of the Region of Murcia number 134, on Wednesday June 12, 2013.
Its ownership corresponds to the University of Murcia and its management and administration is the responsibility of the
General Secretariat, which guarantees the integrity, veracity and update of the information and services published on it.
It is made up of the following main sections, all accessible from the home page.