About e-Office Portal

The e-Office Portal of the University of Murcia is the website that our institution makes available for citizens to access information and electronic services, in compliance with Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector.

It has been approved by the Governing Council of the University of Murcia, on May 24, 2013, within the framework of the Regulation by which electronic means are implemented for citizens to access the public services of the University of Murcia, published in the Official State Gazette of the Region of Murcia number 134, on Wednesday June 12, 2013.

Its ownership corresponds to the University of Murcia and its management and administration is the responsibility of the General Secretariat, which guarantees the integrity, veracity and update of the information and services published on it.

It is made up of the following main sections, all accessible from the home page.

  • Electronic record. For the submission of different types of forms and requests.
  • Procedures inventory. Simplified list of the main electronic procedures of the University, grouped and classified according to different criteria.
  • Citizen folder. Section from which citizens can access their procedures, notifications and electronic copies of documents.
  • Electronic Official Board (TOUM). Section in which the resolutions and administrative acts of the central bodies and services of the University are published, with transparency and legal certainty, replacing the traditional physical notice boards.
  • Contracting party profile. Information on the contractual activity of the University, making it available to interested parties or bidders, for the sake of transparency, in accordance with the mandate of the Public Sector Contracts Law (art. 53 of the TRLCSP).
  • Document validator. For the validation of electronic administrative documents issued by the University of Murcia.
  • University regulations. Extract from the extensive legislative compendium applicable to the University of Murcia, classified by categories.
  • Technical requirements. Detailed information on the identification and electronic signature systems, necessary software and support resources for users of the Electronic Office.
  • Suggestions, complaints and congratulations. For those related to electronic administration.