Electronic certificate or university card

The University of Murcia accepts as an identification system and as a signature system, those based on recognized or qualified electronic certificates, issued by certification service providers included in the lists published both in the page of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce at national level, as well as in the European Commission lists at the European level.

What does it consist of?

It is an electronic document, issued and signed by an entity with the power to do so (certification authority or identification service provider), which uniquely identifies a person (physical or legal) with a pair of keys. Each certificate is identified by a unique serial number and has a validity period that is specified in the certificate itself. Put in a more formal way, according to the Electronic Signature Law 59/2003, an electronic certificate is a document signed electronically by a certification service provider that binds signature verification data (public key) to a signatory and proves their identity.

The University of Murcia, issues certificates of the FNMT and ATCE/ACCV.

Similarly, you can use the University Smart Card (TUI) as a signature system, since it contains an electronic certificate.

Who is it for?

FNMT certificates

For any physical person.

ATCE/ACCV certificates

For members of the university community of Murcia.

FNMT or ATCE/ACCV certificates stored in the University Smart Card (TUI)

For both the Administration and Services Staff (PAS) as well as the Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) of the University of Murcia.

How can I get it?

How can I use it?

Both signature systems are closely interrelated, because the University Smart Card (TUI) must always containt an electronic certificate. In addition, they require the installation and use of specific software, which is broken down in the following sections.

Making use of the Autofirm@ application as shown on the page of necessary software for identification and signature, and as explained in the following video.

To verify the correct installation of the components, it is recommended to perform a Proof of signature.

Using the electronic certificate in the services of the University of Murcia is quite straightforward. However, to promote and facilitate its use, several user manuals are linked below.