What does it consist of?
It consists of using a certificate stored in the cloud, which is guarded by a Certification Service Provider ( SIA ). The owner does not own a phycal card and therefore, it is not necessary to install any specialized software on his/her computer.
They are public employee certificates, which include information about the position and unit/department of the certificate holder.
In some cases this method requires a second authentication factor, consisting of a a single-use code generated in an unpredictable way by the Certification Service Provider, and sent via SMS to the mobile number associated with the holder of the certificate.
If the public employee changes or ceases his/her position, the University will revoke his/her certificate.
Who is it for?
Within academically positioned groups of Administration and Services Personnel (PAS) as well as Teaching and Research Personnel (PDI), it is commonly used by individuals that carry out a high to very high number of signatures in their daily routines.
How can I get it?
How can I use it?
By entering the cloud certificate password together with the one-time code received in your mobile phone via SMS, as shown in the following video.