In this section you can view the catalog of formalities and administrative procedures for the Estudiantes collective.
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You can exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, limitation and opposition to treatment his/her personal information through this form established for this purpose in the Electronic Record or by submitting a application in it General Registry of the University of Murcia.
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This e-Office Portal uses technical cookies which are relevant for effective website navigation, therefore no personal data of the users will be collected or transferred without their knowledge.
How we treat your data
Your personal data will be processed by the University of Murcia in order to carry out any administrative procedures you might initiate. You can access more information by checking the information sheet of the corresponding procedure or in the Record of processing activities. Moreover you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation of treatment, forgetfulness and portability through the procedure established for such purpose in the Electronic Registry as well as by submitting the corresponding application to the Registration Assistance Offices at the University of Murcia.