Supported identification and signature systems

To whom it may concern, described below are the electronic services published in the e-Office Portal of the University of Murcia accepted as identification and signature systems.

Systems based on recognized or qualified electronic certificates

The University of Murcia accepts, as an identification and as a signature system, those systems based on either recognized or qualified electronic certificates, and issued by certification service providers included in the lists published both in the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce website, at national level, as well as in the European Commission lists, at European level.

Systems based on concerted keys

UM account

The University of Murcia provides an identification system for its university community and individuals interacting with it. This system relies on the use of agreed credentials and one-time codes, authorized for use in electronic services in accordance with the resolution issued by the Secretary General, SG-32/2024 (December 3, 2024).

This identification system is also recognized as a signing method under the name 'Signing System with UM Account,' in compliance with the resolutions issued by the Secretary General: SG-18/2019 (July 18, 2019) and SG-18/2022 (July 27, 2022), which modifies the previous one.


Cl@ve is a system aimed at unifying and simplifying citizens' electronic access to public services of the different public sector entities. Its main objective is for citizens to identify themselves before any Administration by means of 'concerted passwords' (username and password systems), without having to remember different passwords to access the different services.

The University of Murcia admits Cl@ve as an identification system and has registration offices to facilitate registration in the system of the university community.